
All the best on your goal in raising large YP. In the end your BOW is still small enough to make adjustments along the way. In my case, our 20 acre lake has matured well thanks to Bill Cody and Dr. Willis advise in the past few years. I have been away building approx. 100,000 gallons of koi ponds where water from the lake is pumped up to the top pond and gravity does the rest in moving the water thru 5 ponds and streambeds back to the lake in a "U" shape pattern up near our house "active solar" addition with major southern exposed glass.

Our kids have grown and are completing their post degrees but the LMB have grown to the trophy bass we wished for. Some are in the 6 lb range and many BG are very large too. The initial stunted YP when we first bought our property (approx 7 acres then and still an active gravel pit)have reduced greatly and are very large as well in greatly reduced numbers. For us, the constant pond managment responsibilty is to remove many 8-14" LMB annually. There are limited mid size BG as the mid range bass are hitting these size ranges.

I think a little trial and error will go a long way and continue to listen and learn from the PROS- who give their time so graciously.
