As winter came to an end this year the ice cleared on my Nebraska pond and exposed an 8 to 10 ft. perimeter of filamentous algea. As the weather has warmed into the 60s and 70s I have treated the edges 1/4 of the pond at a time and have attempted to get the algae under control. I have used a one gal. sprayer and 16 OZ. of cutrine plus (2 sprayers full on each 1/4 of shoreline). I also have curly leaf pondweed and have just recently seen it come to the surface. I have used weedtrine D on this and also hydrothol. Everything still seems out of control. What am I doing wrong. the pond I have is about 1 acre and is 10' deep and shaped like a T. I have a windmill aereator and the problem is that in the heat of summer when we need oxygen the wind does'nt blow and I get fish kills. Would an electric aereator prevent kills with a more aggressive alae attack? Help.