Tom,I really hate hearing that the algae is back.Trust me that I work with many frustrated pond owners.Every pond and pond owner is unique.No two are ever alike ! You have spent a lot of time and cash on this project but realize that a pond may not come into its own for at least two years. You mentioned that you were going to fertilize for a bloom in the spring. I would do just that.In a pond as shallow as yours it is very important to get the sunlight blocked if and when algae control is one of the goals. Many posts have commented that blocking the uv will slow algae growth and this is correct.You may have some of your newly planted grass carp rooting on the bottom for plants which are not there and sending the algae mats to the surface fast. You should not have a high nutrient load with your well water but realize your fish are making fertilizer everyday(perhaps not enough for a bloom )With the approx 1.5 million gallons of water in your tank check with (I believe you said you had a Kasco?)your fountain people or the specs and see how many gallons per hr/day you are circulating.I would be curious as to the capacity of your fountain especially if you are going to fertilize.Hang tough for awhile and you will get a handle on this pond and you will see it as an asset vs a pain in the asset.PS Send me your email address or just click on mine, > Ted