Originally Posted By: JKB
I wish it was snowing today!!!

Got stuck in a Fiberglass Composite Mfg Co this afternoon, and I can attest to the fact that they don't believe in ventilation or dust collection. To top that off, they use steam to heat all the molds and presses in the facility. Just my luck today, that I'm working 6' away from the un-insulated steam pipes coming thru the floor. The guy said not to touch them, because they are about 300°. Asked if they had a fan, he said no. Told him I'll be back in a bit.

The fan helped, but I think the fiberglass particles will be with me for a few days.

When the guy's at the shop found out I had to go there, they started laughing, then telling stories about their fun, then it boiled down to, "It sucks to be you today!!!"

I feel for the people that work there every day! Probably don't get paid squat either. Used to work in a rubber factory molding rubber parts but they did provide fans.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.