Hello all, been lurking trying to take in as much info as I can, but feel I need a little help than I'm able to locate myself..

My family has had this pond for about 40 years if not more. It has always been there to give the cows a place to get a drink, cool off from the summer heat. The pond is home to huge croaking bull frogs, dinner plate sized turtles and a breeding pair of ducks. It's what you'd call a "nutrient rich environment"

The pond is only about 1/3 acre or so, but as you can see from the pics, there's not too much to enjoy.

My Dad bought a half dozen grass carp a few months back, but a few died and the rest haven't really seemed to do much (if they even survived at all). He was asking me to buy him a "Weed Razer" and to look for a decently priced aerator to install, but I figured we might be better off asking for some advice before throwing away money.

I greatly appreciate any advice at all!