Sure thing.

It's basically known as a packed column (packed with plastic media), but unlike some others it's not a solid piece of pipe but 5 gallon buckets joined together with a space in between each one to allow more air flow.

Be aware that you are not only adding oxygen you're blowing off nitrogen gas, C02, and any sulfides.

Each bucket has a circle cut out of the bottom where plastic cage material is seated to keep the media in. Water is pumped up and then dropped via gravity through the media. The water then drops into an epdm lined pit about 6'X 6' by 3 feet deep where it runs under ground to the trout pond via 4 inch PVC pipe. Just before it dumps into the trout pond it comes up an upturned elbow to add even more aeration.

I would not suggest digging the pit etc. A tank would be a better idea or have the column at the pond edge. I have some issues with water pushing up under the liner especially when I shut the well down in the fall or after a heavy rain and I'm not pumping water. I also have slow leak in the liner as the water goes down over time once I shut off the well. I have sand vein on one side of the liner.

It's important to cut a round piece of plastic for at least the top bucket with lots of holes drilled into it and place it a few inches down on top of the media to evenly distribute the water. This is know as a distribution plate.

I went a step further this year and put one in each bucket as in the past once the water drops past the media in the first bucket it concentrated down to only about 4 inches in diameter not utilizing all of the media. This may be due the buckets and media over sized for the amount of flow.

The top bucket showing the distribution plate. Under this is the plastic media.

More pictures. The orange color is of course iron. I have about 2.5 mg/l of iron in my well water.

The plastic media I bought years ago from Keeton Industries. They are an advertiser on here.

The water line that comes up from the well that is black in the picture is now white as I wrapped it with white duck tape to keep heating from the sun down. Probably doesn't make a big difference but just in case it might I did so.

I've had problems with the top bucket handle ripping out of the plastic due to the increased weight of the buckets due to iron build up. If you look closely I have wrapped plastic coated wire to add additional support.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 06/24/13 10:58 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.