At work so kinda quick read thread...

Google had my drive time fishery at 2h 48m....LIARS...

Okay back to what matters...I picked 40 5" to 8" LMB (most 8"+), 115 2" to 4" RES (most on the 2" side) and 10lbs of FHM.. All were bagged as I waited because of the drive time...3 bags for LMB, 3 bags for FHM and 1 bag for RES...

I hauled them in 35 gallon rubber made tubs in the cab of the truck with the AC on all the way home..Took about 3.5 hours of drive time...

Threw bags in pond for maybe a half hour to equalize water temp..Hauled one bag of FHM to Dianes pond to introduce for forage and survival...

Released fish and as of this morning no signs of morts except a few FHM that were not looking well when released..