Originally Posted By: esshup
I've had good results (as in 0 morts) when a fish supplier has driven directly to the pond and the fish have gone from the truck to the pond. I have had 95% Morts when that same supplier took fish off of the truck, bagged them and I drove 1 hr 15 minutes back to the pond. Maybe it's me, but I won't use the bag and transport system for anything over 1/2 hr. Maybe bagging them and putting them in a box where it's completely dark is the difference? I don't know for sure - the bagged fish that I transported were in bags in 5 gal buckets.

I have never lost a bagged and boxed fish from Overton and never heard of a loss from anyone. I believe Todd guarantees live delivery up to 5 hours IIRC

Email from Todd:
Sure. Those bags seem small though..

How many gallons of water can you put in one of these minnow bags? My guess is 1 gallon. This would accommodate 1 lb of fish. Double bagging good idea for these small bags.

I recommend the 15x15x31" square bottom bags available from boat cycle. They will accomodate 8lbs tilapia for that trip. Transport these lg bags in ice chests. A 40qt chest holds one bag. A 120qt chest holds two bags. Rubbermade tubs also work for these bags. We use 1 tbsp rock salt in each lg bag. Half dose of clove oil if you have experience with it. Otherwise not necessary.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)