Yea, use the weed cutter; it's not like you have acres and acres of waterweeds to chop. Do you have one of those rope atttached, Y cutters that cuts a 4 ft wide path? Keep it sharp. I use mine to cut "fishing holes" in the curly leaf pond weed, works pretty good in small situations like ours. Pondweed is not like chara, when cut pondweed floats and just drag it out. Harvest is key to nutrient removal and reduced algae growth in small ponds. Of course when you feed, no way, you can keep up with the nutrient accumulation.

PS When are you going to send me some of the pondweed? Too late to send this week; I will be out of town Wed to Sun Oct 27 (diatom workshop - Phila).

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management