I am unsure what you were hoping for with this thread, but as you can see, we care about our families including our pondboss family. Warts and all, we care. If you choose to leave the family, that is okay, but its your choice. We will miss you, but we will go on, and the pondboss family will continue to grow, because that is what we do.

Know this before you go; if you expect us to pick you up when life knocks you down we might not notice your down, but if you ask us to help you up, we will probably trip over other pondboss members trying to get to you to help. That is just how it works. Some of us have reached out and become closer friends in real life, me personally, I have friends from six or seven states that I have met because of PondBoss. These people would not be in my life without Pondboss. I am extremely grateful for all Pondboss has done for me and the friends I have met because of this place. You can choose to reach out and friend people or you can go your own way, its your choice. One of the best things about pondboss is, there is no waiting, and it is always open.

The choice is yours.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%