Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
I stated only what I witnessed. I have no vested interest in this contoversy. There may be more than one model of the Eco7 compressor available on the internet and possibly cheap knock offs could be available. Several possibilities. The Eco7 that I saw tested looked like the "standard" pictures of the Eco7 pump. For the one I saw tested, there is no way it could produce the type of bubbles in your picture at 8ft deep. Buyer beware. Another possiblity is the Eco7 that I saw tested was brand new and new models may be different than models 1-2-3 years old. It always depends. They are made in China so as I know it, manufacturing standards or specs in China can change without official notice to consumers.

Hey Bill like you I too have no vested interest here with this pump. It just was one I picked out and ran the numbers best I could and it seems to work well for me and others as well. Maybe the next one I buy won't be worth a thing?? You never know. And of course with anything your buying being aware of what your getting is just good practice.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!