I have had a few different aquariums over the years ranging in size from 1 to 125 gallons. Most of my spawning with these species was done with a 55 gallon aquarium. For the bluntnose minnows, but a varied diet of commercial flake foods, live brine shrimp, frozen blood worms, glass worms and daphnia were fed. I placed a few pieces of flat slate in the aquarium and had no issues with the fish spawning with lights kept on 14 hours per day and water temps kept at 74 degrees. With banded killifish, all was the same but I provided a spawning mop for them to spawn on. I placed 2 males and 6 females in the tank. Those numbers seemed to work best. With the spotfin and satinfin shiners, I used old filter cartridges which had crevices which the fish spawned their eggs into. This time 2 males to 4 females were used. Same 74 degree temps and 14 hours of light. Same varied diet.