I cannot imagine what those poor kids went through in the schools. I don't even know how to react to seeing something like this, it is just mind-numbingly unbelievable. I hardly even know what to pray for as there are so many things these people have lost.

I can put up with 11-month winters in NY and 4 months of solid drought if I can avoid those "fingers of God".

I love to watch a good storm chaser video, but not if the storm is pulling off such horrible atrocities like this. Watching all of that debris fly around the tornado in the videos makes me wonder how many poor souls are rotating around in there at the time. Ugh.

Feeling awfully bad for OK today. Prayers go out to all of you.

As a note, another of life's ironies is we are able to build 15-course basements in areas where we don't really need them apart from having a tax-free workshop.

Last edited by liquidsquid; 05/21/13 03:31 PM.