As I posted about a month back in this thread, I'm concerned where to go with a 14 month old, 1/4 to 1/3 acre pond. It is drainable and seinable. The goal was a put-and-take pond with good fishing for the grandkids and guests, plus some good eating.

Last May I put in 100 HBG, 25 CC, and several pounds of fatheads. In June I put in 50 RES and two 4-inch koi. I ran out of time to get trout in for the winter.

The HBG have grown well. The 1-2 inch HBG are now 3-5 inches. I never see the CC. The 4-inch koi have grown to 12-14 inches. There are fatheads everywhere from eggyolk-size to about 2-inches. (They were meant as a "welcome" for the winter trout.)

I was planning on putting in another 150 HBG and 25 CC two weeks from now.

But, this thread now has me wondering. How do I manage this pond long term? Do I add more HBG, or do I need to begin converting it to regular bluegill and predator pond? I don't want to start over every year or two with fingerlings. Larger fish are really hard to find in this area.

This pond doesn't get the wind and turbulence of my other pond. It caught a lot of oak leaves last fall, which turned to FA this spring. I've raked the shallow areas. I sure would like to get some tilapia this season, I just can't find any within several hundred miles. Anybody know of any in WV, PA, or VA?

Thanks all - Ken

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