Fishing 2-3 hours on Sunday and an hour this evening, I have caught a dozen or so LMB in my shallow 1-acre pond on 2 and 3" silver Rapala floaters. The LMB have ranged in size from 8" to 22", with several in the 12-17" range. All very healthy. Pound for pound, the 16.5-incher I caught arounf 7:30 tonight hit and fought the most aggressively out of all of them. I have experimented a bit with a few other lures, but for whatever reason the silver Rapala has been working like magic for me this week. This coming weekend, I'm getting some live shiners and worms for the kids and am hoping the shiners give them some LMB action. If not, the BG in our pond will almost certainly hit the worms, as they have all spring. Good luck!