Thanks for all the design compliments guys, it means a lot. It sure is nice to see something work once in a while. If my financial wealth were measured by my failures, I would be a billionaire 10 times over. wink

No fish in the trap were hurt by the snapper as far as I could tell.

The turtles and the muskrats are definitely a concern. I have a soft spot for those snappers and don't want to hurt them or relocate them. Last year there was one in my bottom pond that was at least 1.5' in diameter. He gets my respect simply because he is probably 10-15 years my elder. As far as the painted turtles, I will need to relocate or dispatch some.

To date, I have not let the net soak for longer than 24hrs. For the video, set it and retrieved it twice with each soak less than 24hrs.

The water temps were below 50F each day of filming. Once the water temps go over 55F, I believe that net will be very heavy with each pull.

Now that it looks like this net will do what I want, I can take my fish managing up a level. We will continue to test the setup and post our findings. Then post the specs.