Why hello there pond-a-holics!

Yes, I'm a little chipper today! Have been working working working in my pond rehab project. Now onto the next part of the rehab.

After raking and digging as much as we possibly could muster out of the pond, cleaning up the edges...I'm now ready for microbes and aeration I think. So, what should come first?... Microbes? aerator? Or can they both be done at the same time?

1. I want to get microbes that will eat the MUCK...and with the aeration added...I'm hoping it should remove a good percentage pretty fast. Having walked in the pond, we believe there is anywhere from 2" -12" in certain places that we were unable to rake/shovel out. Considering the depth of the muck, we assume the potential depth of the pond to be approximately 3'+ ...possibly 4'...in places. average depth is approximately 2'.

The pond shape is somewhat of a ROUGHED out oval, measuring about 27'x 50'. Considering the overall depth... We've come up with about 20,000 gallons... give or take.

2. Aeration, wow... there are so many out there. My pond is definately larger than a home depot, backyard pond, but much smaller than most farm ponds. Anything specific I should be looking for in an aerator? Brand, function? Linear. top-down, bottom-up?

3. FISH!!!!! How soon would you think I'd be ready for the fish? I would love to be ready by the end of summer, but much sooner if its possible.... GREAT MOTHER'S DAY PRESENT :-) I'm hoping for a couple Koi, maybe some small goldfish...possible, blue gill, but I heard they can overpopulate quickly. Any other ideas, you might have, please throw them at me. Oh, did I mention....I saw minnows in my pond this morning ..yayyyy!

Enjoy the updated pics... although, I still have more rock harvesting to do.












Last edited by Bill Cody; 05/08/13 12:20 PM.