The resevoir behind my dads is very overpopulated with lmb. I have fished there a good bit since he moved there 10 years ago well actually alot. There average size Is probably 7 or 8 inches and tho I have never looked for them specificly (just found out about the word and its meaning today) I have certainly noticed skeletor bass tho I wouldnt be able to give a good estimate on ratio of them until I go out fishing again and pay more attention. In all of my time fishing there I have only caught 3 good bass in the 3 - 4 pound range and very very rarely a normal bass of about 2 pounds. I can remember 2 of the good ones I caught well enough to say they were not skeletors the other one I was too young to remember well. There are lots of bluegill in the medium size range not sure about small ones as I use small cranks for bg that I dont imagine small ones would hit. There are absolutely zero big bluegill. There are bullheads. me and 3 friends fished for big cats all night once based on a neighbors story of 2 40lb either blue or shovelhead being stockef in there by someone but none of us got a bite with our cut bait. I hope that wasnt to much but I wanted to provide all the information I could that I thought my be usefull. 1.I think its pretty obvious that its overpopulated with lmb but I was wandering are bg over populeted because they get to medium size to big to be eaten by small lmb but never grow more? 2.When i take out reccomended 30lb lmb per acre and the lmb start to get bigger will that take care of the bg problem? 3.One more question as I recdntly went on the prowl for my first real trophie lmb, is it possible for there to be a few real big lmb like 6 7 pounds feeding on all these little bass and maybe the abundance of medium bluegill? Just in case last time I fished I started using this big bass colored zoom swimbait. Thanks so much in advance cant wait to get some responses and start with the overhaul soon. I think it could be a great fishery as no one but me ever fishes it and it has no public access due to properties surtounding it.