Ok so I am helping a friend develop a very nice hunting lodge in Deep South Texas. He wants a 2-3 acre lake in front of the lodge. The lake will be supplied by an 8" well which was just finished last week. The top two to three feet of the soil is sand but below that is clay. I no absolutely nothing about clay but I was told that it was red clay on top and blue clay below that for a depth of at least 15 feet per the test dig. Had no idea there were different types of clay. Looked all the same to me!! Per google earth there is less than four feet in elevation change in the proposed site. Just FYI the lodge sits up higher on a small knoll/sand dune. I have many questions but first and foremost can I have an input on any problems/advantages/ experiences we might encounter? I assume there is no need for a dam? Have to make your own structure such as artificial depth changes, rocks, hardwood? I am sure i have probably caused more questions than provoked answers but thanks in advance for any comments.

Billy Klemstein