
Thanks for starting this topic. I was curious how your 6x6 holds up. From what I hear from others they are pieces of junk and don't run half the time. You've got a great idea though. Is it a four seater? How do they opertate in the water? Much control? Slow? Leaks?

Also, what kind of mixer are you using? We run our spray operations from either an ATV for shoreline or ATV to tow a small 16 ft boat for a larger pond or lake and we also use just a small john boat with a trolling motor for the smaller ponds. Seems to work okay for us, but if you have great things to say about the durability and function of the 6x6, you may have my attention.

We've found that the ATV/Boat combo works good for us so we don't damage the landscaping around some of the more ornamental ponds and lakes.