DISCLAIMER This is not a 100% certain way for BCP management and is just a theory I am trying to apply to what I am doing here.

I recently made a 3 ac BCP pond for high volume fishing for physically challenged people. For my area the research I done showed that nearby smaller lakes required anywhere from mid 60's to near 90 person fishing days per surface acre to keep the crappie under control and produce good size fish. I seen where your pond is 2ac and that would come out to 130 to 180 person fishing days per year harvesting the BCP.

I personally do not believe you can fish the BCP out of a pond. I just think you will find up and down years on the catch rates. You will get them down and then bam a good hatch puts you right back into catchem out mode again. This is the very reason I done this in a pond I can drain and refill (high volume well) in just weeks if something goes wrong.

Maybe a lot of that LMB full of eggs will raise and eat some BCP for you. As far as what you did with the little ones fishing keep them working on the BCP for you.