Should have been more clear. It does not have a bottom drain. I had thought about putting one in and this would require that I raise it off the ground but at this time that is not the case.

My main concern was the direct contact with ground (bare earth), damaging the tank or causing the water to cool quicker than if I had it on a pallet or say stepping stones.

I do plan to heat it, but by the time I get my fish I may not need to until the fall, unless it stays cold or I just want to jump start their spawning.

My original plan was to get some from Rex in Jan-Feb as I have been wanting to try out the Blues and figured this would have given them a chance to pull off a spawn or two in my tank, where I could have kept them and moved my larger breeders to my pond.

But since the new house renovation has taken longer than planed and I did not get them ordered when I wanted to may be a little late to grow them out enough so they do not get eaten.