Maybe you are lucky and that is the only one in the pond!!

or its really some sort of super hybrid striped callico wiper!! HEHE.

That is still a better problem to have than not having a pond!
I havent read too many of your other posts, want to share a link for me to get up to date???

Minnows are truely the best in open water, and some people can POUND crappie under ice, just not me. They seem to spawn shallow, and live in open water but will use cover. if that helps, hehe.

the minature spinner bait lures with the jig attachment (similar to what they mentioned above??) seem to work good on hot summer days. and as you know they are school fish so catch one and there are more there but you knew that. Wish i lived close enough to help with the problem.!!

Water is the basis of all life, by design!