Okay, I got to go to the farm yesterday and move the fish feeder to Georgetpoia. I added AM 400 and 500 and set it to go off three times a day for now. When it heats up, I'll change the settings but for now three times a day seems to be right.

Here is a picture of them feeding after testing the feeder in its new location.

And wouldn't you know it but I found this guy trapped in the erosion netting at the water's edge. He was trying to get out so that part was good, but I don't think he made it. I have to figure my CNBG may have spawned? I would love to hear from the experts on that idea. Remember the CNBG have only been in Georgetopia since early March.

In sort, Georgetopia looks good for now. I have an aerator on request and it should be here soon. I'll post more about that when it's time. I think some of you are going to be very interested.

The beach area is also coming along. I continues the burn process and made some real headway, but I still have a long way to go before all of the trash trees and bushes are recycled.

As I burn the wood, I'll have to remove the embedded dirt. It is a slow process, but I can see the progress.

I have also decided to name the beach area as "Area 52" in Allen's honor ( Area 51 was already taken). This is where my experimentation is happening right now, so it only seemed right to give it a name....


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%