Friends, I spent most of the morning soul searching. You know, looking inside, trying to see where things could have run afoul.

After I gathered my feelings, I was able to make a post here this afternoon. It proved to be a cathartic experience to bare my soul, so to speak.

Once it was suggested that perhaps I was not the cause of Diego's sudden and untimely departure from our dimension, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

Now, the specter of foul play has been raised, and I find it emotionally challenging. Further, I find it even more disturbing that I may be a suspect, or at the very least, a person of interest, in the untimely demise of Diego. With malicious intent, to boot.

The funeral pyre is lit.

Diego will go on to the next dimension (quickly and without autopsy) promptly at 10:13PM EST this evening. Burn, baby. Burn.

Diego, 'if I don't meet you no more in this world, then I'll meet you on the next one, and don't be late. Don't be late.'

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."