Yeah, I guess I messed up big time on selling water for fracking. Number 1, I didn't get squat for the water. Number 2, my pond bank now look like the grand canyon which means my pond is really silting in, big time. Number 3, We've been in drought conditions for going on 3 years now........ What I've learned? Water is more valuable in central Oklahoma where average annual rainfall is around 36-38 inches, versus the South where 51-60+ inches is normal. Heck, I made more money off of the "mud farming" then I did off the water! If'n you don't know, that rock, soil, etc. that they drill out of the ground has to go somewhere. Well, they spread that stuff all over my property.......It's still there and not breaking down much. I was told it was real rich nutrients and that I'd notice greener grass, etc. Not so much! I'll have my dozer operator plow it in with the rest of the dirt. Then we'll see. This whole thing has been a learning experience for me. Since no one on this forum has been through what I've been through, I'll keep you all up to date as to what to expect if ever confronted by oil companies or drilling operators who need your water. wink

Last edited by Okie Bob; 03/10/13 05:31 PM.

Warning: My Dog Has A Gun And Refuses To Take His Meds!