They are individual fish so the % will be all over the place as they spawn. But none will have over 50% Fla genes. It is not a straight line event even over long time periods as fish adapt and evolve. Each individual trait is subject to the rigors of selective evolution with some traits going extinct/dormant and others flourishing. You can attempt to adjust the results by adding new fish (genetics) but nothing is certain. When in doubt go with fish that are adapted to your area and be sure there is enough for them to eat and good water.

I hope this helps. Genetics of LMB can get real complicated and there are far more unknowns than knowns.

F-1s have been shown to be closer to Northern’s WRT the trait for cold tolerance than to Fla’s. There is some evidence that the male Fla X female Northern has better cold tolerance than the reciprocal cross female Fla X male Northern . However the opposite is true WRT size as the larger fish is the female Fla X male Northern. Darn genes they do what they want to which is not necessarily what you want.

Last edited by ewest; 02/12/13 10:14 AM.