Originally Posted By: Omaha
Where would you even begin to shovel 80" of snow? Step out of an upstairs window and work your way down?

Been there, done that!

We use to get some really good snow storms when I was a kid. Not so much as an across the board level of 80", but drifting use to be really bad. I've crawled out of windows to dig out because our storm doors opened to the outside. One particular event, I went out my 2nd story bedroom window onto the porch roof, jumped the couple feet to the snow and worked my way to clear the doorway. It was like a maze when we were done, and I could not see over the top. Path to the wood pile, path to the pole barn, path to the south door... I don't have that much energy anymore!

We had our snowstorm yesterday, and it's been sunny all day today. Gonna rain tomorrow.

Based on a few things I have heard, we won't be in a drought condition this year.