TJ, I can source the banded killifish if you want them. If I have luck trapping, I may even be able to get you some YOY lake chubsuckers. The pond they are in is very steep sided so seining them out is a nightmare. The killifish are very easy to trap in comparison.

The other species I have been experimenting with that I think has a lot of promise is the silvery minnow. In my case the eastern silvery minnow. However, there is a western and Mississippi species of silvery minnow as well. How similar they are I am not sure, but the eastern species does quite well in mud bottomed ponds. How well they do with predation is the bigger question that I am still determining.

Other species I would try to source would be brook silversides, any of the topminnow species found in the Midwest and the Johnny darter. I think any would be a good component in a SMB pond. I wish I could make a trip out to Nebraska, I suspect in the right habitat, many of these species are rather common. They could be collected and transferred to a brood pond for rearing and quarantine.