Bob...when I was kid growing up in the seventies Lake Okeechobee was always talked it kind of had this magical aura about it for me. I've always wanted to fish the Big O. I am not in-tune with the top bass fishing lakes like I used to I'm not even sure if Lake Okeechobee is even a top lake anymore. Being from Texas I can't believe I've never fished Toledo Bend, so that would have to be on the list too.

As far as experience vs this point in my life it's almost all about the experience. That's one reason I love Caddo Lake so much. It's just so darn beautiful and unique it doesnt really bother me whether I catch many fish or not...don't get me wrong I love to catch some fish...but just a few fish and I'm happy. If the setting is pretty, the accomodations are nice, with good food, good friends, cold beer, then catching fish is the icing on the cake. I prefer black bass, but if I catch 10 of anything decent size...I won't be complaining. I brought a guy out to my pond this past Sat and he caught 3 fish...but he also rode an ATV, did some shooting, help build a fire, and help drop a tree in the water...and he told me today at work "that was one of his best saturdays in quite awhile"....heck thats what it's all about to me.

Fishing has never been about the fish....