Nice looking pond, willbjew. Good info on the pond, too. For larger LMB, you are probably off to the right start by removing a lot of them that you catch. You probably should also be keeping pretty regular records of the length and weight of what you catch you have a rough survey of the population. If everything seems to be 1 - 1.5 pounds, then changes should be pretty obvious once you reduce the data to writing and can review it. As you see the sizes and relative weights change, you can make adjustments.

One question that I have relates to your forage base. I understand you have bream (Bluegill or some other species of sunfish?) and that you are feeding them. What other forage sources are in the pond?

Feeding is certainly a good way to get quality weight onto a fish in a reasonable time, so that's definitely a good decision. But are there any other forage species such as shiners or otherwise?

Remember that with a bass heavy pond, you will most likely achieve some nice sized BG through predation. The survivors will have more forage and will grow better. It sounds like you are at a point that you want to be with the "bream" being pretty nice sizes. Are the LMB the real focus at this point?

Todd La Neve

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1.5 & .5 ac ponds - LMB, BG, RES, YP, GC, HSB