Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
People it's not about post count (as I was sternly reminded when I, Jeffhasapond aka JHAP, reached my 5,000th post and posted about it and then later became one of the "Top Posters" and blatantly bragged about it).

I was quickly put in my place by being reminded that many members had to re-register due to some type of software glitch or Electromagnetic Pulse or something and therefore their post count was "reset" to zero.

Anyway back to my original point (yes this post did have a point but I forgot what the point was mid-post and yet now I remember what the point is) so the point is that it's not about how many posts you do or don't have it's about number of good posts you have. And most of you don't have a clue as to how many good posts you have. You just go on posting willy-nilly hoping that some of your posts are good.

While I on the other had have kept meticulous records as to my number of good posts which is in fact 49.

That's right people I have 49 documented good posts.

Sure people like Cecil & Ewest have approximately 14,000 posts but I ask you how many of those are good posts? I estimate that it is eleven or twelve thousand tops. Which proves my point that no one else besides me is actually documenting their good posts. Which in case you forgot is a documented 49.

Eat that suckers.

laugh Nice...I think with that one your count should go to 50... grin