[quote=Zep... I tend to think flu shots are a big scam $$$$$$...there's lots of info on YouTube and Google that explain it better than I can. Of course the "medical establishment" highly recommends it. So I say study the pro's and cons and make your own personal decision...2EachHisOwn.[/quote]

I am a small town family medicine doctor. I have been dealing with the flu this year rather hard core for the past 6 weeks. I have never made a dime giving a flu shot, yet i make money every day by treating people who get the flu. i much prefer to see people for preventative treatment rather than treating for a condition that could be prevented.

The flu shot doesn't give you the flu...period... it does start the immune response to develop the immune system to fight the flu. basically, it makes the "army" to fight the virus. During this process, a part of the immune system called cytokines are released and his causes the "flu like symptoms" but this is very short lived. Every year the army has to be changed to protect against the new mutated virus; Thus we get a new shot every year.

A young healthy person who doesn't want the shot... fine, come see me when you are sick!, the young, old or immunocompromised, it is inappropriate to not immunize.

For me and my family, we will take the flu shot!

( I have been exposed to airborne flu virus 10+ times daily for past 6 weeks, thus I feel very strongly that I have good protection this year)

Last edited by Dustin Pratt; 01/12/13 01:09 AM.