Originally Posted By: Bluegillerkiller
I have alot to learn.. In 31 yrs of life the closest I've been to god was vacation bible school one summer when I was 8.. Honestly it's hard for me to even grasp faith or religion..

Faith is as unique as every person BGK....After having been burned beyond what is considered "compatible with life", declared dead and without a heartbeat for 20 minutes at one point, then it spontaneously restarting, many burned areas healing that same night...the amazing life and talents I have been blessed to have...I know first hand the accuracy in the preface of the Medical training case study on me for new medical students attending the University of Missouri....it reads....There is no explanation for the following burn victim's survival. It is simply an act of God. The following documents the procedures......etc

I was reminded in no uncertain terms of His existence and the incredible powers of prayer from truly caring people, thanks in no small part, twice, to the members on this forum.......

