Profound thread! I don't think I can say that I don't live almost every day like it is my last. I am fortunate enough to love what I do and who I work with and deal with on a daily basis. My career has brought me friends from around the world that I never would have met had I not been in the pond business. I often have said that if I won the lottery I would still do what I do... of course I would be doing it from where ever I wanted, not in an office with no windows in Pompano Beach. Bruce, I think you do what you do to support what you want to do, (like most people) and since you opened your new office you are so busy and successful that you don't have enough time to do what you want to do anymore. I so hope you can find balance. Our lives are short and we need to live, love and enjoy every moment!

Sue Cruz
Vertex Water Features