For what it's worth, I have become convinced.In the past I would carelessly handle fish in a fashion that I witnessed the experts on television do. Now after educating myself, I cringe when I see the way I used to do it.

I learned here on PB,( and many other priceless tidbits) that a high percentage of fish, that are "caught and released" end up dieing unbeknownst to the releaser. And most of the time survivability are issues that the angler could have prevented.

Recently some friends were at my pond, and one strung a treble hook on his line. You should have seen his face when I told him treble hooks and stainless hooks are not allowed in my pond. I politely explained to him why. He said "Wow, I guess I never thought of it that way."
It takes on a whole new meaning when it's your money and labor at stake. But all that aside it's good animal husbandry.

I now even go the route of removing the barbs also.Maybe some now may get away, but they were never hooked that good anyway if they do.

To each their own,but when you think about how a fishes face becomes distorted when removing a hook,or lipping one, it cant be good.

IMO a fishes mouth was not designed by nature to be a handle.It never supports the weight of a fish until it's landed.

Not trying to be argumentative or bossy, just giving my 2 cents worth.

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer.