First off, I realize now that my questions really don't have as much to do with siphons as they do to with the the temps and DO. If I can get a better understanding of that, then I will undersatnd how the rest may fall in place.

I was looking at Dwight's "weekly observations" and that has helped me alot to see temps and DO thru the season. It proves just like you guys are saying about the water temps and where they should be in levels. However, add into that the DO. There are rare times that the DO was highest at the bottom of the pond, and that has me confused. What is the general rule for DO? Is it always higher at the surface no matter what temp the water is? Or will it be occasionally higher at other depths because the water temp can hold it better?

Thanks for the help so far. Sometimes the brain works in slow gear and can be frustating to those trying to help me. I just like understanding how/why things work. I've never been much for just accepting it as stated without the understanding of why.