Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello
Originally Posted By: JKB
Would anyone know if it would be beneficial to keep them crowded? keep the tank covered? and with an internal submerged light? Any other beneficial insight?

That's exactly what I'm hoping to do, but haven't discussed yet. By fooling the fish into thinking day and night are inverted, you can get them to eat when you're home from work, and (shhhh, don't tell anybody) you can get them to spawn.

Have I got the gadget for you. My PLC (programmable logic controller) has 0-10V analog inputs and outputs. With a photocell, I can record a day from outside via analog signals. Phillips makes an analog ballast for fluorescent lights. I can play that back inside any time I want. I can record the entire year if I want. Photoperiod manipulation laugh We've done similar things in office buildings.