Originally Posted By: John Monroe
Dave I also started with some types of fish and theology from Zetts of PA. in the early 90's and was happy with the results. A fish kill ended that happy pond three yesrs ago. The 1 acre pond had LMB, BG, CC, FHM, 18 GC, 20 KOI, and 6 fish I considered the most important for controlling algae and sold by Zetts was the Isrela carp which I can't find in the US for sale anymore. As you may remember Zetts had the Israela carp listed first for algae control and said they eat different types of algae then the KOI, then CC was third on his algae eating list. What reinforces in my mind that the CC do eat some algae is when I was at a fish seminar a guy told me he didn't have an algae problem until he took out his CC. My pond now has no real preditors and it full of minnows, frogs and tadpoles. Tadples spend their lives eating algae and last year with 105 degree heat days I had not algae. I did have excessive lillies which I intend to take out this spring and see if the tadpoles alone can control the algae mostly by themselves.

John, have you looked here.... http://forums.pondboss.com/ubbthreads.ph...true#Post301083