Originally Posted By: Yolk Sac
Not sure what you mean by humor. We take the immolation of our green sunfish very seriously here in Tennessee. I love the smell of roasting green sunfish in the morning......it smells like......victory.
Roast away my friend. It is merely an exercise in futility. For every GSF that you sacrifice we have tens of thousands ready and willing to take their place.

Stop, close your eyes and listen very carefully. Over the whir of your computer fan can your hear anything? Of course not, because most folks can't here the sound of fish swimming. But they are Yolk, hordes of GSF are swimming your way. Every stream, river, and water way contains them. An army (or perhaps more appropriately a Navy) of GSF swimming towards you with malice in their hearts. There is no escape, there is no where to hide. You may win minor battles and skirmishes but the war, my friend, is over. You have already lost, you are just unwilling to face the truth. Your GSF roasts only act as a beacon, a directional bonfire, drawing us closer to you. Burn down entire forests in your futile quest and we will cross the barren, charcoal ridden landscape to arrive in your pond.

Don't sleep tonight Yolk....we are on our way.

Oh and TJ, better check under your bed for Sock Puppets... every single night.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)