Lots been going on since I was last on, but sadly non pond related \:\(

bm, I was under the impression that a 220 unit at 1.5 amps was like a 110 at 3.0amps as far as current draw, which would make the second one just .5 amps more.

But I've just got to decide on something to get. I'm looking at purchasing around July or August, after we do the pond survey in June.

I'm leaning towards just getting the whole system at one place, especially after speaking with Cary Martin. I could probably save a few hundred bucks in equipment price, but I'd also have to worry about the equipment I'd be getting elsewhere and all of the fittings to hook everything from the lines up to the electricity. Plus my time in hours looking all of these things up and driving to the stores, 30 minutes from me at least in any direction. Then there is the potential future problem arising and me hearing on the other end of the phone..."Well that wasn't a pump you purchased from me I see....etc. " \:\)

Yep I'm leaning towards the All-In-One ready to go setup a little more now. Of course this could change again if I find the right deal too I guess lol.
