Ric you are correct in that i did build a great earthn dam !I can drive a vehicle across it! however the way its set up now , there are two 24" culverts draining the water that goes over the beaver dam . The beaver dam is still intact and reguarly maimtained by two famlies of beaver .There dam is directly in front of my manmade dam.There is no spillway at this time .I feel if and when i put one in i can probably increase the overall depth of the pond 3 ft. Now as far as the fish.....i must come clean....this summer , July i guess i started stocking forage fish . i went to a nerby lake that is managed for LMB (and has been for many years) and caught up some pumpkinseed ( they looked to me like bluegill). any way i put some in that month the next month and some in early sept...a total of perhaps 140 fish, along with them i put in 5,5" SMB and2, 7"LMB. now you must know, for years before this summer, i had never seen a single fish in the pond and never seen one rise. Now i was a commercial fisherman for 20 years , so i know what a fish looks like when it breaks water. I tried fishing the pond as well ...to no avail...
Anyway in oct., i went up to do some work and apon arrival i took a look in the pond first thing.... i always do that out of habit...and to my utter amazment in the pond close to the shore were some tiny fish 50 or maybe 60. They were all about 3/8 to maybe 1/2 inch in length. I proceeded to check some other shoreline areas and found them everywhere. So i after observing this , i made the conclusion that it was most likely the forage fish that had spawned although after doing a little research i found out that pumpkinseed only spawn one time in early spring, and i stocked , or started stocking after the 4th of July of this year.
what do you guys think?