Originally Posted By: ewest
I add trees every year as needed. Not all locations need trees every year.

I tie the trees on the post so they hang at certain depths and angles to cover the area wanted. After a year (or at replacement/renewal time) I cut the ropes (trot line string) and let them sink. Then replace to match conditions. Over time you have a cone from bottom to surface (or as deep as you want based on rope length on the still hanging trees). The bottom trees which have defoliated have more room (fewer and bigger branches) for larger fish while the new ones on top have thick branches for small fish.

Eric, I've decided to try this after reading this thread, because it makes perfect sense to me.

What I'm interested is knowing, is have you ever tried to purchase complete lots of unsold Christmas trees? Was out and about this morning and the stands are already going up, and I'm sure there will be leftover trees. There always are. I can't imagine they'd cost much, and in fact they may be free for the taking.

I have cedars, but they're to large to accomplish shallow water brush piles.