I'll post a few pictures here in a little, I just had to share one think first. It was one of the most profound things I have heard in a long long time.

Before I give you all the quote, I need to set it up a little for those who may not know George's history, so here goes. George grew up in East Texas. It was a small town where everyone knew everyone. At 17 George was welding on an industrial scale. By 19, George was on Saipan trying to keep our aircraft flying as a Buck Sergeant Inspecting welds ensuring our boys had a fighting chance. By 20, George had lost several classmates, friends, and comrades to the war.

George had been on the forefront of the oil and gas industry most of his life right up to retirement.

George has out lived most of the friends he had in his youth. George has survived two life threatening cancers that would have killed mer mortals, and knowing all that I was blown away but what George said after our boat ride. Here goes.

George said " Days like these make the journey worth it."

What a simply elegant statement, and it said it all.

Yesterday was about as perfect as it gets. The good Lord gave us perfect weather and he brought such joy to me and Heather as we do love our place, but sharing it is even more enjoyable. This was just the latest get together in East Texas, and it won't be the last, but I doubt there will be one that is more memorable for me.

Last edited by highflyer; 11/18/12 09:36 PM.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%