Don - you will never fish nor trap nor seine BG to extinction. They are too prolific and two fish can produce thousands the next year. I think you can live with your mistake and do quite well having a good fishing pond by using LMB as your main predator. If you feed pellets to the BG they will get big and provide lots of fun for the family. Can we assume that you bought pure strain bluegill and not hybrid bluegill (HBG)? Do you have any pictures of the BG that you stocked?

One helpful hint that helps with LMB in combination with an emphasis on YP is to not let the LMB get larger than 14"-15". Thus remove all bass or just those bass larger than 14"-15" and return most bass smaller than 14"-15". Which bass removal plan to use will depend on how many and what size of BG seem to be present in the pond and how well the LMBass are reproducing.

Buy or build 1 or 2 fish traps and use them to help with small BG removal. The boys will love that project. Trapping also helps you monitor what size and number of BG&YP are most common in the pond. LMB rarely enter a trap but SMB & WE will often enter traps. That information will allow you to better manage the LMbass numbers as far as removal and release. We can and are glad to advise you with this as you see the need.

Feeding the fish (BG-YP) will help promote fast growth and good body condition of remaining BG & YP. You may have to periodically every 2-3 yrs go back to the North Shore Fish Farm and buy 15-25 8" YP (their food fish) as supplimental stockers to keep a high number of large pellet eating YP present. Trapping and angling results will tell you when YP numbers are low. Do not stock YP smaller than 7.5" with 14" bass present. Reason is, larger bass eat larger YP. Using larger stokcers allows more YP to survive to grow into the 8"+ harvestable category.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 11/13/12 10:46 AM.

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