Well I guess it is not the end of the world. I do not plan on inventing the wheel. I am just looking to create a nice pond for the kids to be able to catch fish any day all day with a fish every cast. If I have to put in Large mouth bass I will.

Can Large mouth perch and bluegill cohabit-ate in a small .75 acre pond like ours?

I am feeling that you are 100% right on the sales of these fish by the fish farm. They want me back to buy more perch in two or three years.

I have no plants at all and can control them very well with help from the boys. Three young boys that all away need things to do. Our clay soil is so tight and void of any air it will not grow anything for four years if you get into the sub soil. If you plow the farm to deep and turn up that clay you can tell in the crop the next year. Weed control will be very easy till we get some silt build up in the pond and even then the pond is very steep and deep.

I am getting the idea that we need to hold back the bluegill as long as we can to let the perch get well established in the pond then add the large mouth bass. This in order to keep some large perch but any yearly schools of perch will be much lower because of the bass. I can see how the bass would prefer the perch then the bluegill just in body shape. Limit the weeds but lots of sticks and wood limbs for the perch to hide and spawn on.

This looks like it will be great fun for me and the boys not just to fish but manage and trap count fish. Large mouth are great sport fish and allot of fun but very fearsome eaters. Perch fry for a few years then bass after that.

Cheers Don.

[Linked Image from corvettejunkie.com]

7/8th of an acre, Perch only pond, Ontario, Canada.