Originally Posted By: hang_loose
Originally Posted By: Rainman
Originally Posted By: keith_rowan
from what i found out about breeding tilapia, it's common to put 1 male with 3-5 females..
too many males will be aggressive with each other, not enough females, they will be harassed by the males..
at least that's what i found in my interweb searches... lol

Keith, actually, males will rarely kill each other, they will quickly kill a female however....Males "kiss" or mouth fight for dominance yet males will hit females just behind the gill plates causing blood clots in the gills and suffocation.

Why do the males pound the females behind the gill plates? Are they trying to get the female to abort their young and then drop eggs again?

Tilapia are an extremely aggressive fish toward each other...males and females...

I have no idea why the females get hit...maybe because they do not compete for dominance, Females get hit there regardless of holding eggs/fry or not....tilapia have really bad attitudes!