Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1

So, I bought a new one. I still don't have Email capability.

This sucker is a character builder.

I still have a radio amateur (ham) license, and I still know Morse code. From my Navy days of 40 years ago, I think I can still read a signal lamp, and I can still recognize most flag semaphore messages.

Now my truck turns its headlights on automatically when it gets dark, and I don't have to use my clutch foot to dim the bright lights for oncoming traffic. It is just a serious bummer if they quit working. When I was seven, we got our first phone. It didn't have a crank like some of the relative's phones, but it also didn't have a dial. We just picked up, and Mrs. Swanson put us through to whoever we wanted to talk to.

Life was a lot simpler way back when Dave and I were younger.

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