a little more traction...
Like always, a little bit of this and a little bit o' that.
Knocked out about 2/3 of the lousy job of stuffing the garage ceiling insulation.

These bays remain. Although it doesn't appear to be all that much, it will likely take 2 days to nip and tuck around all the junk that is up there and stuff the 28' long bays.

The LPG gas man insisted that since the tank was empty that they had to perform a pressure check that goes all the way back to the furnace. HUH? So, I had to schmooze my HVAC pal and get a furnace lined up for purchase (thanks for all the help and support, Bill !!).

We hooked up all the lines, got the LPG delivered and passed their pressure check; good news. Then, as the LPG truck tail lights disappeared down the driveway, I removed the furnace and finished insulating, drywalling, and taping the mechanical room.

outside of the mech room


inside mech room


And laid in the remaining wall insulation for the garage area.

I need to get one more fire door to plug up the vestibule so I can introduce and retain heat in the garage area. I'm startin' to think drywall installation to cork up the garage interior.