What about your BG population? are there some large ones but few and far between? do you see lots of small BG 1-3 inch?

You may want to conisder stocking adult BG while taking out bass to turn your pond around faster. You can take out all but one 16" bass from the pond, but if he does not have 3-5inch BG to eat he is not going to grow.

How many lbs of LMB have you removed in the last year if you were guessing? I think 30-50lbs/acre of bass if what an unfertilized pond can support. Thus removing 10-20lbs/year is going to change the pond greatly (and very possible for just one person to do in 1 acre pond). Thats why your BG population may need to be looked at.

Last edited by jakeb; 10/26/12 11:49 AM.

Get out and fish.